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House Legislation for 2019

Ceasefire STL is in the process of writing a bill with the help of local organizers. As of today, gun owners in the state of Missouri do not have to register or report their firearms to any authority. There are a few reasons this is important. 


First, without a gun registry, we have no way of knowing how many guns there are in our state. This makes research on Missouri gun violence incredibly difficult, and it is hard to fight an enemy you know little or nothing about. 


Second, without a gun registry, there is no way of tracking whether people own guns at the time they are convicted of a violent crime which makes it illegal for them to own one. With a gun registry in place, authorities will be better able to ensure that those who aren't supposed to have guns don't. 


Third, without a gun registry, there is no way of tracking whether people own guns at the time they experience a mental health crisis and are committed to an institution. Gun ownership and risk of death by suicide are strongly correlated. With a gun registry in place, authorities will be better able to protect those experiencing mental health crises from harming themselves. 

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